


探索海洋The ocean is teeming with life that has potential to unlock cures 和 treatments to some of the most devastating diseases facing humankind. Marine biomedical 和 biotechnology research is a hallmark of FAU港口分公司 with ongoing federal funding 和 an international reputation. Our scientists closely examine natural chemicals 和 compounds derived from animals 和 plants found in 和 around coral reefs, 从而产生未来有希望的药物和治疗方法. While the aquatic environment is a source for cures, it can also be a source for illness. There is not yet a full underst和ing of how changing environmental conditions 和 Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) affect ecosystems 和 human health. FAU港口分公司 conducts research spanning the issue, assessing the true risks.

为了改善人类健康,我们必须保护海洋健康. 自1984年以来, KU体育官网APP 港分公司’s 海洋生物医学和生物技术 研究 (MBBR) program researchers have closely examined natural chemicals from deep sea corals 和 sponges, 以及生活在其中的微生物, 用于治疗抗生素耐药性感染和侵袭性癌症. The promising drugs 和 therapeutics identified through this important work have led to international recognition of the FAU港口分公司 MBBR program 和 its premier specimen collections.

While the aquatic environment is a source for cures, it can also be a source for illness. There is not yet a full underst和ing of how changing environmental conditions, pollution (e.g., nutrients 和 plastics) 和 events like harmful algal blooms (HABs) affect ecosystems 和 human health.

The ocean is teeming with life that has potential to unlock cures 和 treatments to some of the most devastating diseases facing humankind. Having access to state-of-the-art tools allows us to explore the sea for potential cancer cures.”




几个世纪以来, people have looked to nature to develop cures to some of the most devastating diseases facing humankind. 当务之急是我们不仅要继续探索潜在的治疗方法, 还要保护这些物种和生态系统, 和他们一起, 多种癌症的潜在治疗方法, 在他们迷失之前.

今天, nearly 70% of the 药品 on the market were derived from natural products, 和 most marine natural products have been discovered by studying sea sponges.

人们只调查了近9个国家中的一小部分,000种海绵因其治疗潜力而被描述, which means we have yet to discover many potential medicines beneath the waves.

  • 15000年水体 在美国.S. 有营养问题吗
  • 50个州中的50个 是否受到营养物污染的影响
  • 报道喝 违反水的硝酸盐 在过去十年几乎翻了一番
  • 只有一个 近九千只海绵中的一小部分 已经被调查过
  • 许多 药品 市场上都有衍生品 从海绵中


FAU港口分公司’s work combines years of expertise to address two prominent issues: underst和ing the threats of declining environmental conditions to human health从海洋中发现并保护潜在的治疗方法.


FAU港口分公司’s researchers collect unusual marine organisms—many of them from deep-water habitats—that are the source of novel natural products. We focus on marine plants, invertebrates 和 the microorganisms that live in association with them. Our drug discovery program primarily looks for treatments for cancer 和 infectious diseases, 但我们也与研究疟疾的科学家合作, 肺结核, 神经退行性疾病和炎症. 另外, 我们寻找对抗抗菌耐药性的化合物, 子孙后代面临的最紧迫的问题之一.


FAU港口分公司 established the 佛罗里达海岸和人类健康中心 (FCCHH) to fulfill an unmet scientific need to increase knowledge of HABs 和 other toxins 和 pollutants in our environment, 目标是改善缓解和知情政策. The FCCHH combines leading expertise 和 multidisciplinary research to take on this complex problem. Scientists are trying to underst和 the dynamics that lead to degraded water quality from events like HABs by profiling the algal chemicals present during blooms to determine how they are produced 和 to assess their toxicity. Their research also focuses on how toxic compounds transfer throughout coastal food webs to affect large animals, 像鲨鱼, 鳐鱼和海龟, 并最终对人类健康产生直接影响.

佛罗里达在前线 环境变化.

几十年的人口快速增长, the loss of natural areas 和 altered water flows have caused documented ecological shifts across the state. 我们的沿海地区面临着气候变暖等挑战, rising sea levels 和 the increasing occurrence of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) 和 other significant health threats. 有害藻华会影响呼吸附近空气的人的健康, 吃海鲜, 在受影响地区的水域工作和娱乐. 根据美国环保署:

  • 50个州中有50个受到营养污染的影响
  • States have identified about 15000年水体 在美国nited States with nutrient-related problems
  • 报道喝 违反水的硝酸盐 在过去十年几乎翻了一番


  • 继续测试和发现治疗癌症和其他疾病的药物, 以及对抗抗生素耐药性
  • Increase our knowledge of toxic algal blooms, with the goal of mitigation 和 informing policy

我们做的研究越多, 我们对癌症的了解就越深入, 这增加了我们找到治疗癌症新方法的机会.”

Esther Guzmán,博士.D.


KU体育官网APP (FAU) 海洋研究所港湾分所 is rapidly evolving. 现在是时候通过私人慈善支持来扩大我们的影响. The Institute is increasing its funding to core programs that will make a significant 和 timely impact on critical ocean issues in Florida 和 beyond. FAU港口分部与政府官员建立了牢固的伙伴关系, the Department of Defense 和 leading research institutions around the world. These key connections 和 partnerships ensure that we inform decision makers about science 和 how to ultimately mitigate impacts to the ocean 和 coastal environment.


KU体育帮助下, we can tackle one of the most pressing problems for our future—preserving fragile ecosystems 和 wildlife. 在您的支持下, we can further our research efforts to advance our knowledge of wildlife 和 their threats, 以及开发新的研究方法和技术.

感谢您考虑支持这一重要的研究领域. FAU港口分公司 values our donors as key partners in helping to achieve our vision: “海洋科学让世界更美好”.®


In the not too distant future—if not already—the majority of bacterial diseases will no longer be treated by the antibiotics that exist at the moment. 寻找新的治疗方法势在必行.”
